Hi SO a while ago I watched a pretty good video by @salmence on youtube ranking the various (english) pokemon theme songs and I have some thoughts. The tier list itself is fine :P (the video is linked here if you wanna check it out yourself) and salmence is someone who really likes pokemon and has wathced the full anime. As someone who hasn't done that but does really like the pokemon songs and listens to them recreationally, I'd like to throw in my thoughts. Now my main ranking is just how much I enjoy the song. Not muhc else too it, just how fun the songs are as a whole. So without further ado:
Let's start from the top.
S+ Tier: Just the genuinely exceptional songs. Obviously the first one here is the Indigo league. It started the series, has been remixed several times over the seasons and is just an all around fun rock ballad. I like it a lot.
Galactic battle theme song. Just spectacular. It's about friendship, finding yourself and just all the gooey emotions in the world. 10/10
Next what is probably the most controvertial song on this list: Diamond and Pearl. It's bad> I know but it's so proud in it's terriblenes that I just love it anyway. I feel like this is something my friend M talks about a lot of just liking things that suck people cause suck so bad. Like there's so much gusto in this. So much charm. You can't help but love it. The weird football chant beat that is just dropped halfway through, I love it. It' great. One of the best themes in the world.
S tier: Here are all the just good songs. Plainly good nothing else to it. Since a lot of pokemon songs (imo) kinda split between rock, gushy ballads and upbeat, the S tier obvioulsy houses the Master quest, battle diemension and Johto Journeys themes respecively. (And also Johto League champions cause ----------------->
In the A tier: Pretty godd. IN here are the sun and moon themes in starting with ultra legends cause it's fun, the starter theme and then ultra adventures cause it's weird as a pokemon song. This also houses the Advanced Battle and Orange Island songs casue those are just worse version of the Johto League ☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノ.
B tier: All of Kalos just cause as much as I liked the show, i'm just kinda meh on the songs. I like them but not enough to super care. THey're not as hype as the ones above. Same goes for Battle frontier and Advanced challenge as they're worse versions of the other two from before.
C tier: I actually ike these quite a bit. I think the Advaced battle theme is honelsty pretty good it's just weal compared to the ones that came before it. THis their also has the only black in white song I kinda like and two of the Journey songs. I was really hesitant about Pokemon Journeys since the first just soudns like it was produced y marshmellow. Like that overused EDM trac that he jsut slaps onto every song so thye sound EXACTLY the same and make you feel so hopeless for the futrue of sound. (y'know the one) The later ones pick up though and hoenslty th efirst one isn't super bad on relisten, though I thik the visuals help.
D tier: Sinnoh League Victors tried wayyy to hard and the just singing it is just was too throaty and it's like this is a pokeon song omg. Also the marshmellow pokemon collab is here.
E tier: (Empty) I'm keeping the E tier only to make the one below look worse
F tier: POkemon Rival destinies and Adventures in Unova. The worst songs in pokemon. They're diamond and pealr without the charm. They feel so santized so empty, so just devoid of love and care. I literally should be biased towards these as a 200s kid and yet I hate them mroe than anything else. They are SO boring and I feel like for a kid's cartoon the worst thing you can be is boring. Sinnoh League Victors sucked but at least they tried. Journey is just another stake in the dying corpse of EDM but at least the singer seems to give a shit. These songs have none of that. They're just so boring. Like god have some energy this is pokemon for fuck's sake. I literally should be biased to these as a 2000s kid but god no they fucking suck. They've always sucked. And they so over PLAYED. Why couldn't thye give 3 different openings to a good song? Thwy literally put you in a What's New Pussycat situation were everytime it ends a new one begins. I wanted to die. The worst 3 secodns of my life is spent hearing the stupid OH-OHs mid way through. I don't care how much I like Black and White, I would kill to have these songs erased from history. (Or at least from pokemon theme song playlists guy PLEASE)
ANyway that's all from me today. I'll probably write up something about shojou manga and women though i would like to wdit that one to amke it like good. Plus i'm reading Yu-Gi-Oh! (I am obsessed with Yugi he is so cute I wanna make him into a keychain or a plushie) and I might write up something fun about that. Maybe just a thing baout what parts of it would be fun in an rpg or just wild shit. (Y'know Kaiba sticks Yugi in an electric chair?? I love this stupid manga so much) I would descirbe my gender at the moment as Yugi in a skirt and have recently found myself uable to read the manga without putting on eyeliner because I am obsessed. It's so good please read it if you have a chance and send me a message if you find any cute plushies of him online!
Link Out!
Okay so to start out let me recap the books I planned to read a la my last post:
☆Detective Conan Volume 2
Shit happened and I ended up having to return it to the library much earlier than I thought. :( I still intend to start it up again in the future but we'll have to close this case for now.
☆Kaguya-sama: Love is war Volumes 2,3 and 5.
To be honest folks, I couldn't get past volume 2. It's a really cute manga and something I would probably eat up as a kid but i'm just too old for this stuff now. I don't really care for highschooler stories anymore. I think if I turned my brain off I would have really enjoyed it but i'm just not in the mood for shojou's latest trash tv. The concept was cute tho, solid 6/10.
☆ Yotsuba Volume 3,4 6
NOW THIS IS WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR. This was such a fun cute comic oh my god I loved this so much I read every single chapter released so far WOW. Liek the thesis of this manga is just that there's joy to be found in everything and that's so beautifula nd fits in with how I want to live my life so well. The story has so much fun with it's characters, my favourite dynamic other than yotsuba & her father and how much light she brings into his life (also how he's like she's such a weird little girl yet so many of her weird traits can be linked back to him) is mistake, fuuka and yotsuba!! Yotsuba just taught everyone to have fun with every moment no matter how small and Mistake and fuuka go so far with that concept. I love that yotsuba gets evryone else to appreciate the joy in life whether it's cup phones, studying, collecting rocks or painting. Like she's just the representation of if you let go of habit and social rules u can experience so much joy through every tiny thing and reading it has put me in this wonderful mental state and I think it's something everyone should experience. Also the backpack chapter made me sob please read it.
This was so good. Overall I would say this was a pretty successful library session and I had a good time.
Link out :D
Hate the title. Decided to make a list of manga I'm gonna read in the next 2 weeks since i have to return them on the 6th.
I've yet to read or watch Azumanga Daioh in its entirety but from what I have seen I really enjoyed Kiyohiko Azuma written work much more than it's manga adaptation. I feel like the written work has much better comedic timing and so as soon as I saw Yotsuba on the shelf I knew I had to get it. I have volumes 3,4 and 6 and plan to read the rest as ebooks.
This is probably the middle of the line one for me . I have seen several very fun scenes from the anime (as well the adorable season 2 intro but i'm kinda turned off by modern shojo.
Some of them are pretty fun but a lot of the ones i've read are just boring back-and-forths and the characters don't have much chemistry. Or they go on for way too long (though that's a major issue in old shojo too). FOr example, I really enjoyed Horimiya in highschool but I could never reread it because the story gets caught up in way too much filler. I have a similar issue with spyxfamily, despite the story perking up a bit now with the bus arc. At a certain point itbegan to loose the plot and a lot of the interesting elements of the story to focus on side stories around anya's schooling. A lot of it felt like filler for a mnaga that was only acouple volume longs and a lot of interesting character traits were abandoned for gags. A really core example of that in my opnion came from Yuri. Yuri is a government agent, in an organisation dedicated to maintaining control of Ostenia. Yor is a in a similar organisation, with the garden and it's shopkeeper being highly dedicated to maintaining peace in Osteania. Until recently though, we didn't really see a lot of that. There was a lot of dilly-dallying around anya's schooling and while it is the point of operation styx, most of it was just filler and didn't move the plot forward. Yor wasn't there most of the time and while Yuri does have some interesting side plots with the SSS, he also gets relegated to an annoying side character. I don't know, I don't liek the incestuos sibling trope and i'm disappointed that a character I was really interested in has it. Maybe that's why I want Yuri's role as an SSS agent to rise to more prominence. I'm not sure. I do think Yor has also taken a step back for a while, like up until the cruise ship arc she wasn't really there. She has come back though, and that's what keeping me tied to the story. Ah well, it's just a manga :P
Tangent aside I enjoyed what i've seen from Kaguya-sama: Love is War and wanna give new shojo a chance so i'll be reading this second. I have volumes: 2,3 and 5
I got volume 2 babyyyyyyy. I'm so exicted to read this. I love detective stories and he was a childhood hero. I'm saving this for last since I know case closed is like insanely long and is pretty episodic so I plan to read as much as I can for bit and then just pop in from time to time to see how he's doing. I'm linking the arabic themesong for everyone to listen necause its insanely good. You have to ,it's the law
Link out B)
Howdy there~ ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ Just a short (hopefully) commermorative post for (kinda) finishing dcidiing on what i wanna do with my blogs. They're meant ot be pretty simialr in style but with different backgrounds and a few extra features. I plan to have all of the posts form my side blogs show up on the main blog under the all section with the frog (as well as set up some labelling system with those buttons <( ̄ ﹌  ̄)> (tis picture looks like wobbffet from pokemon). Still on break so i'm hoping to them all set up before I head back to uni but ya!
For this side blogs my main goals are to set up:
☆ A side runner/ nav page with the specific anime and manga i'm watching/will post about.
☆ Shrines with a bunch of images of my favourite charcters for now.
☆Site filteration system with ratings and genre
☆Probably a main post page with links :3
☆ Hopefully an online database with my f/f manga reading list. Either that or I document each one with a rating and sites. (ihave a notion list of each but i also kinda hate using notion cause it takes to years to load the 2k entires).
and obviously a shit of stickers and such for the webbed site in the near future. I should also probably set up a side page with all of my anime and manga gifs and stickers. I also might add vocaloid stuff to this page as well when I see it but i'm kinda on and off with rhythm games (and i'm kinda shit at them ) so that might take a while ┐( ̄~ ̄)┌
Link out (-_-)